If you have followed the previous steps correctly you will
see that Tomcat automatically creates a folder named "lsvfweb"
inside the webapps folder. The happened because lsvfweb.war is
actually a zip file that Tomcat recognizes. When you saved the
lsvfweb.war file in the webapps folder, Tomcat recognized it and
expanded it into a folder.
Once Tomcat has expanded the webapps folder it will
download a 140kb sized file named lsvforecaster.jar and save it
in Tomcat's /bin folder or in Tomcat's root folder. This file is
the Lone Star Vaccine Forecaster logic and is updated each time
Tomcat is started.
Navigate to this URL: http://localhost:8080/lsvfweb/startServlet
(May require modification if Tomcat is installed on a different
system or not on port 8080.) When successfully started it should
show the version of the forecaster.
Once started the Lone Star Vaccine Forecaster listens on port 6708 and responds to TCP/IP requests. The
performance and availability of this service can be tested with this command:
java -classpath lsv-forecaster.jar org.immregistries.lonestar.core.server.CaretForecasterTester repeat-count [thread-count [host-name [port-number]]]