This demonstration system supports the use of the CDC WSDL which has been defined to support the transport of HL7 messages sent to Immunization Information Systems (IIS).
Authentication credentials can be established by submitting a username and password to a facility not already defined in the IIS Sandbox. Submiting new credentials will cause IIS Sandbox to create an organization to represent the facility and a user access account for the supplied credentials. Access to this account and facility/organization data will be allowed to anyone submitting the correct credentials. There is some additional functionality to support testing of specific transport issues:
HL7 VXU or QBP message is expected in payload.
If the message contains more than one MSH segment a Message Too Large Fault will be returned. Use this feature to test situations where the IIS can not process more than one message.
Additional end points are available, which provide different behaviors (some good and some bad). These can be used to demonstrate different or bad interactions.
This default setting responds exactly as expected by NIST test cases. It is completely compliant.
Same as the default but there is no white space in XML.
This responds with properly formed XML but with problems with which tags are being used.
This responds with badly formed XML, in each case the close body tag is omitted.
This responds with the correct XML but has not properly implemented the methods and the contents are not correct.
submitSingleMessage: Returns a human readable message instead of an acknowledgement.
connectivityTestResponse: Sends back message but it does not contain original text sent in.
This responds correctly except the response contains an additional tag that is not expected.
This responds with the correct XML but has base64 encoded content.
This responds with the correct XML but has URL encoded content.